
Monday, January 6, 2014

Facts about Pregnancy and Birth of Dolphins

Facts about Pregnancy and Birth of Dolphins. It’s an amazing fact that besides the technological advancements humans have not yet been able to observe the birth of the dolphins in the wild. For now whatever information has been gained is based on the dolphins in captivity. So today we are going to share this miracle birthing process of the dolphins with you. The period of sexual maturity differs in both males and females and also the geographical location play an important role in sexual development. The maturity age for male dolphin is 10 to 15 years, whereas for females sexual maturity begins at an early age i.e. at 5 to 13 years.  Another interesting fact is that in most cases the sexual maturity determinant is the body size and not the age. When females gain 85 to 95% of adult body size they reach sexual maturity. Female do not have a constant ovulation cycle and they are believed to ovulate spontaneously for one to six times in a year. Usually the presence of a male dolphin stimulates ovulation. Unlike other monogamous mammals, dolphins breed with several partners during the breeding season.

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